Friday, November 10, 2017

Just Walking Around

Green Thumbs

Search Google and the most trending topic of discussion in news in developed and developing economies is “ Climate Change” , the effects of which are hotly debated on news channels , World economic forums and International associations like United Nations. Believe it or not the effects of Climate are very real and very visible. Take the case of the smog choking Delhi every year this time of the year or the case of the incessant rains in Mumbai right up to Diwali in mid October. And the extreme temperatures currently observed during the day making you sweat and the sudden drop in temperature during the nights making it a health hazard for not just kids but also adults alike. Giving most of us the sniffles or a clear case of runny noses accompanied by mild fever. Such is the weather sometimes it feels not to step out of the home.

To top it all the local administrations in most cities is not geared upto handle the deluge due excessive rains. Take the recent news case of floods in Chennai making the lives of the people residing in the city. Flooding caused the city to come to a standstill for 2-3 days and the same thing happening in Bangalore a week before . City after city is fighting the same chaos and in hilly places like Uttarakhand such climate change can be catastrophic by way of landslides and many lives being lost as also damage to property.

But all this can be attributed to mans greed , one reason being unrelenting cutting of trees to develop land for housing and commercial activities. Creating more Concrete forest , when the need of the hour is more green cover.

Living in Matunga where fortunately the green cover is still intact in the quite precincts of Hindu Colony and Dadar Parsi Colony. Even during high noon when the Sun is overpowering in the sky you can take a pleasant walk among the shade of the trees in these places. Enjoy the cool breeze in the evening or even a night walk enjoying a little chit chat with your spouse under the amazing night sky brightly lit with twinkling stars and yellow full moon.

Growing up I still remember I had a green thumb potting plants in our wide and airy Verandah. We always had a Tulsi , that light green plant with medicinal properties . According to Ayurveda Tulsi is one plant which is a natural air purifier . If planted in abundance it can filter the polluted air entering our homes. The leaves can be used to make home remedies to beat that toughest of cold and flu. A few leaves in your hot cup of tea can recharge you with energy and a clears your system of all the daily stress. Then there are flowering plants like the white lilies which would bloom in abundance come April and May every year. The delicate white flowers rising up from the mud in the pots like stars on drinking  straws. A bouquet of white bloom among the deep green grassy leaves. A wonderful sight to behold. 

Another rare plant we have is the Brahma Kamal a variant of the exotic Lotus flower. If you look at the plant it appears like a shrub in a arid dessert with flat green leaves rising from buds buried in the mud in the earthen kundi or planter. It is said that Brahma Kamal  flowers once in 6 years but when it blooms it’s a sight to behold. First a tiny buds sticks out from the sides of those flat green leaves. Over a period a few day the buds grow in speed with a proper stem and a large bulbous conical bud at the top .The colour being a fiery red. On the day of its bloom you can not miss the faint but sweet fragrance emanating form the bud which spreads across your home. The red bulb starts opening up late in the evening to reveal the soft and pristine white flower with faint yellow spores in the center. When fully bloomed it is a sight to watch with a large flower holding center stage like a beautiful goddess and right fully so the favorite flower of goddess Laxmi itself. But the life of the flower is only for a night as it wilts away when you check on it the morning after. Making the saying “Best things comes in small packages” so true.

The other plants we always had were the Sadaphooli of the ever flowering literally daily making its presence felt every morning with its cutely symmetrical pink and purple flowers or pure white and yellow combination. The flowers were plucked and offered to the gods during morning prayers . All these plants sitting pretty in the wrought iron stand fixed to the verandah or now in the window grills. With open spaces coming at a premium , most of the flat owners today have flowering and medicinal plants in their window grills. Some going on to make space for kitchen gardens with veggies like cherry tomatoes , brinjals , green chillies and green leafy vegetables like Methi or even a Palak.

Such is the demand for potted plants you are sure find many plant nurseries in Mumbai. At the end of the Tilak Bridge connect Dadar East to Dadar West you can find a very old nursery made out the step like holders placed along the bridge wall. Here you can get plants in all sizes from the small saplings of Chinese Rose in deep pink or purple. The ever flowering Sadafuli in pink , purple or white. The fresh bright orange Marigold or its other variant in sunny yellow. You can even get the Shevanti the bright yellow coloured flowers most often offered in the form of a garland . Special variety of the Shevanti which is cute as a button and literally called button Shevanti. They also keep fragrant flowering plants like Mogra , Jai and Jui  . Some shrubs which flower in the night and spread their fragrance all across like Rat Rani or a Parijat. Since the demand for exotic flowers is increasing they even keep plants for orchids and carnations. Sometimes you can even get Gladiola .

If you are looking to plant some real trees may be in your building compound or a the society garden you can head to Kalina. Just on the roadside on the way to Mumbai University you will find nurseries growing sapling for palm tree , Jasmine or even fruit

trees saplings of mango , chickoo or a guava. Most of the Facility Management Companies who are into Office management or even Landscape Decrators for Corporate Spaces come here to pick up these greens. You can even get real grass in rolls or turf which can be laid ut on open plots. Making the landscape really green and soothing to the eye.

So next time you are feeling a little depressed and under the weather I suggest you go to your small garden in your window sill just sit there staring at the small patch of greenery and see your worries melt away ….just like magic. Try it its and sure cure for all your moody blues.

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